President Trump Designates Chairmen and Acting Chairmen

I hereby designate the following:

Brendan CarrChairman of the Federal Communications Commission
Mark ChristieChairman of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Henry KernerActing Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board
Andrew FergusonChair of the Federal Trade Commission
Marvin KaplanChair of the National Labor Relations Board
David WrightChair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mark UyedaActing Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Andrea LucasActing Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Travis HillActing Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Kyle HauptmanChair of the National Credit Union Administration Board
Peter KirsanowChairperson of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
Steven GilchrestVice Chairperson of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
Jeffrey HallChair of the Farm Credit Administration Board, Farm Credit Administration
Patrick FuchsChair of the Surface Transportation Board
Louis E. SolaChair of the Federal Maritime Commission


January 20, 2025.